Monday 23 April 2012

12 Wonderful Ways to Lose Weight without Dieting

Lose Weight

Excess weight is an important problem now days because people eat food with extra Calories, our children prefer watching T.V, playing Video Games and spending time on Computer rather than playing outdoor games etc.

Lose Weight without Dieting

Stress, eating too much junk food, lack of exercise and walk also contributes in the increase of weight.

Weight is gained when the metabolic system is unable to burn the excessive Calories and convert them in to fats that deposits in the body. These extra Calories are burnt through dieting or exercise.
Weight can be lost with dieting but in dieting there is chance that it makes your health worse.
Here are some easy ways which can be helpful in the reduction of weight of an individual.

Time Your Meals

Set timers for you like that of 20 Minutes and try to eat slowly than normal and stop eating when the timer rings.  In this way you will eat less food as you will eat slowly and in you stop when the alarm rings.

Sleep More

The researchers of Michigan University found that sleeping for an extra hour can drop 14 pounds of a person per year. When an individual is sleeping he/she avoid extra snacking due to which 6% calories are cut down. The results can differ from person to person. It is a fact that lack of sleep triggers the Appetite.

Eat More Vegetables

Eating more Vegetables and Fruits help in losing weight. The high Fiber and the Water contents of Fruits and Vegetables fill you up and give fewer Calories.
Try to cook the Vegetables without adding Fats in it.

Add Soups in Your Daily Diet

Add Broth-based Soups in daily meals because the Soups and Broth contains fewer Calories in it.try to take Soup before taking meal as it slows the eating and cut your appetite as well.
Try to avoid the Creamy soups because they have higher Fats and higher Calories.

Go for Whole Grains

Try to eat whole grains more including Brown Rice, Barley, Oats and Whole Wheat etc. these things have low Calories in it and they fill up the Stomach for a longer time. Whole Grains are also helpful in controlling the Cholesterol of the Human Body. Many food items contain Whole Grain it including Pizza Crust, Pasta, English Muffins and Whole Wheat Bread.

Set Your Ideal Dress

Select an old favorite dress of yours and hang it in the cupboard so that whenever you look to that dress, it gives you a motivation to get slim and fit in it again as soon as possible.

Avoid Bacon

Avoid eating the Sandwiches made up of Bacon rather make Sandwiches of Tomato Slices, light spread to Goat Cheese etc. Bacon can add up to 10 Pounds of Weight over a year.

Rebuild Your Pizza

Try to avoid the Pizza that contains the topping of Meat rather go for the topping of Vegetables. This will save up to 100 Calories.
Avoid eating Pizza with thick base go for a Bread-like crust of Pizza with a light blend of Olive Oil or 1 can also go for low Fat Cheese for your Pizza.

Lessen the Use of Sugar

Try to lessen the use of Sugar in the drinks you take in routine. Add Lemon, Mint and Strawberries for taste.

Small Sized Glass

Keep a small, thin glass for Juices and Beverages. It will help to the Calories. In this way you will drink 25-30% less Juice and Milkshakes etc.

Limit the Use of Alcohol

When there is an occasion that includes Alcohol. Try to go for either Non- Alcoholic drinks or go for Water rather directly going for Juices, Cocktails etc.
Drinking Alcohol may also lead to the mindlessly eating Nuts, Chips and other Snacks etc that you skip in the normal routine.

Go For Green Tea

Drinking Green tea is considered as the best strategy to lose weight. Green tea triggers the Fat- Burning process that’s why it helps in losing weight. It is also a refreshing drink without Tons of Calories.

Above mentioned ways are the best for losing weight. It does not affect your health and save a lot of Calories, which may act as a Poison for your body. 

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