Tuesday 24 April 2012

How to Make Your Skin Look Younger

Maybe you can't look like you're in your 20s forever, but there are plenty of things you can do to prevent premature signs of aging and preserve skin's youthful appearance for longer. Many of the things that cause skin to look older are damaging factors. When you take these out of the equation, with proper skincare and avoidance of harmful irritants, your skin is guaranteed to stay looking younger for longer. If you'd like to start "turning back the clock," so to speak, try some of these tips to get started.

Exfoliate Regularly
One of the quickest ways to brighten dull skin and renew your look is with regular exfoliation. Using a good scrub once a week (or twice a week if you have very oily skin) will remove the dead, lifeless skin cells on the top layer of your skin and reveal the newer, fresher cells beneath. When dead skin is trapped on the surface, you're more prone to breakouts, flakiness, and dullness. Buildup of dead cells can also make fine lines and wrinkles appear deeper--so don't wait, reach for that scrub and get started.

Keep Skin Hydrated
A good balance of water and oil in your skin is necessary for healthy, youthful skin. To get that young "dewy" look that every woman wants, you'll need to make sure you drink plenty of water every day and always follow your cleansing and scrubbing routine with a good moisturizer. Choose the right one for your skin type and never skip it!

Maintain a Good Skincare Routine
Routine is everything when it comes to caring for your skin. To keep it healthy and youthful, you should wash, tone, and moisturize your skin every day and night. If you wear makeup, it's also necessary to begin your nighttime routine with a good makeup remover. Choose one without heavy chemicals for best results, like Neutrogena Naturals Fresh Cleansing + Makeup Remover. This formula is 86% derived from nature and offers 2-in-1 cleaning and makeup removal without stripping skin of its natural moisture. Start your bedtime routine right to keep skin glowing all day long.

Avoid Harmful Factors
Extreme heat or cold, harsh rays of sunlight, and even some bad habits can age your skin faster. Take precautions against environmental factors with sunscreen, wide-brimmed hats, and face-guards during cold, blistery days. As far as habits go, kick smoking and excessive drinking of alcohol and coffee to the curb to help preserve your natural youth and glow.

Combining these great tips into one approach is the best way to make sure your skin ages as slowly as possible. You might not be able to fight time, but with proper care, you can certainly try to defy it!

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